Winter Wellness Guest Blog: Move Therapy and Wellness

As part of Winter Wellness, 我们邀请了来自当地健康和保健企业的客座博客,帮助你有目的地开始新的一年! Check out this guest blog from Move Therapy and Wellness on the connection between yoga, sleep and mental health. 你可以在我们的冬季健康页面上找到来自Move和其他当地企业的特别优惠

瑜伽,睡眠和心理健康+ 12分钟瑜伽练习让你睡得更好 

By Move Therapy and Wellness 

“She’s strong, but she’s exhausted.” -r.h.sin 

充足的休息和充足的睡眠对一个人的整体健康至关重要. Sleep plays a major role in one’s physical, mental and emotional health. 

People who don’t get enough sleep are at a higher risk for depression, anxiety, impulsive behaviors, mood swings, chronic inflammation and weight gain, just to name a few. When we sleep, our bodies are able to repair and detoxify. Rest and sleep, for example, allow the body to: Heal and repair the heart and blood vessels, 维持荷尔蒙的平衡(包括那些负责情绪和快乐的荷尔蒙,以及那些在感觉饥饿和/或饱腹感中发挥作用的荷尔蒙),保持免疫系统的平衡,这样身体就能抵抗外来或有害物质,并控制炎症. Restful and regular sleep is responsible, in part, for good decision making, a healthy sex drive, a more positive and consistent mood, a boost in creativity and motivation and sharper attention and focus. 

Sometimes difficulty falling or staying asleep can trigger anxiety, stress, feelings of fear and/or disappointment. And it is not uncommon that, during the stillness and quiet moments as we prepare for sleep, 我们会感到身体疼痛、肌肉紧张和焦虑——我们的思维开始加速, planning the next days to do’s, ruminating and replaying the events of the day or the days to come, which can make it more difficult to relax and wind down. 

While it may not seem easy, 有一些小的调整,你可以做你的晚上例行程序,将获得一个良好的睡眠更容易实现. 其中包括:尽量减少技术的使用和减少外部刺激(例如. turn the lights down low at least an hour before bed), journaling, using essential oils (try lavender or ylang ylang), reducing evening sugar intake, slightly raising body temperature (taking a warm bath), or engaging in gentle yoga practice. 

A gentle yoga practice, focused on tension release, slowing and deepening the breath, and grounding, 它能有效地缓解你紧张的大脑,让你的身体为安稳的睡眠做好准备吗. Yoga practices, in fact, 有助于刺激副交感神经系统——我们神经系统中负责休息的部分, relaxation and restoration…And deeper, more restful sleep. 下面是12分钟轻柔的晚间瑜伽练习,可以帮助你今晚睡得更香一点.

12 Minute Gentle Yoga Practice for Better Sleep Optional Props - 2 blocks and 1 blanket 

Start in Child’s Pose - Come on top of your knees with shins on the ground. Place your knees a little wider than your hips, big toes touching and lower your hips towards your heels. 将你的前额放在垫子或木块上,让你的手臂向前或两侧休息. 

Child’s Pose - Side Stretch Left/Right -将你的手臂和躯干向右移动-对着你的肋骨和腹部做5次呼吸. 将你的手臂和躯干向左侧移动-向另一侧的肋骨和腹部呼吸5次. 

Downward Facing Dog -当你抬起臀部时,双手向下向前按压. 当你的身体呈倒V形时,保持膝盖轻微弯曲. Head below your heart > Take 5 breaths 

Lizard Pose Right/Left - Step your right foot in between your hands. 脚后跟向右伸出,双手与右脚内侧的距离约为肩膀的距离. Option to place blocks under your hands or forearms and lower your torso closer to the ground as well as an option to place the blanket under the opposite knee for padding > Hold each side for 1 minute 

Downward Facing Dog - Hold for 5 breaths

Table top (all fours) and then lower down onto your belly. 

Moving Cobra Pose - Lower down onto your belly - place your hands in line with your ribs - press the tops of your feet into the mat - gently engage your abdominals drawing your lower belly in and up toward the belly button - press your pubic bone into the mat - gently squeeze your shoulder blades toward your spine as you lift your head and chest off the ground - press your hands down and pull them gently back as you draw your chest forward and gently up > take 3 rounds inhale to lift/exhale to lower. 

Press Back to Child’s pose - Take 5 rounds of breath 

Seated Janu Sirsasana/ Head to Knee Pose Right/Left - Extend both legs forward. Bend your right knee and place the sole of your foot on the mat then lower your knee out to the right (option to place blanket or block as support under the knee) - left leg is extended forward - turn your torso to face the extended leg > drawing opposite ribs toward the extended legs inner thigh. 选择保持你的躯干直立或向前折叠伸展的腿,尽可能多地让你的身体感到舒适. Option to use the blocks as support underneath your forehead. 把你的手臂放在一个肩膀可以软化和放松的位置. Hold 1 minute each side.

Seated Forward Fold - Extend both legs forward. 选择保持你的躯干直立或向前折叠伸展的腿,尽可能多地让你的身体感到舒适. 如果你觉得腰背不舒服,你也可以坐在毯子上增加高度,或者用额头下面的垫子支撑. Hold for 1 minute. 

Restorative Bridge Pose (使用挡块)-身体向下仰卧-弯曲膝盖,双脚放在与臀部距离的地面上. Place your arms by your side. 抬起你的臀部,在骶骨下方的低或中等高度放置一块. Hold for 2 minutes. 

一旦你完成,把积木拿掉,把臀部放低到垫子上. 把你的脚放在比臀部宽一点的地方,把膝盖放在一起——做5次呼吸. 

Supported Reclined Simple Twist Right/Left -将膝盖收至胸部,并将其放至左侧(如果你感到膝盖或臀部不舒服,将毯子放在两腿之间或弯曲的膝盖下方). 把你的右臂向右伸出,让你的肩膀感到舒服. Let your head fall to whichever side is most comfortable for your neck. No strain or pain. Hold for 2 minutes each side 

Reclined Bound Angle Pose -仰卧-弯曲膝盖,双脚并拢-双膝向两侧下移,脚底并拢. Place your arms by your sides or rest them on your belly or chest. Choose a variation that is comfortable for your shoulders. 选择把你的积木放在大腿下面,以支持你的臀部屈肌和下背部. - Hold for 2 minutes.

Move Therapy and Wellness 芝加哥kok娱乐平台注册入口社区的心理健康和保健实践是否通过心理治疗提供了一种综合的心理健康护理方法, daily yoga and meditation classes, acupuncture and other mind/body based therapeutic approaches. 

Instagram: @movetherapychicago 

Daily Yoga Classes: 2135 W. Roscoe, Chicago IL 60618


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